Dreisbach Wholesale Florists, Inc.
Dreisbach Wholesale Florists, Inc.
720 Dalton Av.
Cincinnati, OH 45203


A Commitment to Excellence:
To provide every retail florist quality service and superior product as well as
supplying them with the tools to help market & grow their business.

Dreisbach Wholesale Florists, Inc. is a wholesale distributor of fresh flowers, floral supplies and we carry an extensive selection of fresh flower varieties and colors as well as exotics & potted plants. Our Hard Goods department stocks a complete line of basics, silks, dried and novelty items.

You can depend on our fleet of delivery vans and our partnership with UPS to service your floral needs on short notice.

Use our inventory to service your customers without taking up precious retail space.

We personally review each online application to ensure that we remain wholesale only. We appreciate your interest in our products, but we are not open to the public. Please call your nearest location for complete buying information and guidelines.

We are dedicated to the success of the floral industry!
We are proudly serving our professional floral retailers in our 4th generation
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